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While trans visibility is at its highest, threats to the well-being of queer and trans people are on the rise both socially and legislatively. The need for such an initiative couldn’t be greater.

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Gay4U’s chef-owner, Cellphone, is leading a burgeoning cultural movement of restaurants offering meals to transgender people of color at absolutely no charge. And if you’re a trans person of color, you can eat any of those things for free. On the menu you’ll see kimchi chilaquiles, or meat-free quesabirria tacos, or peanut mazapán doughnuts, or an omelet made of fermented split peas and mung beans. Walk up to the counter at Gay4U, the vegan pop-up hailing from West Oakland, and you’ll be met by a tattooed chef with huge hoop earrings and dramatic pink eyeshadow.

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